A Present Future

Self Publishing

Spirituality is not a theory of the mind but an experience of the heart. The way of spirituality is through the gut of experience, a conversation with life provoked by life itself. Our spiritual journey is a gradual emerging of this conversation, a deepening awareness of the mystery of life. We search for the existence of a God, a puerile search according to the attitude of many. Yet every question about God is a question about ourselves, a search for our own identity. Who am I? What am I? It seems as we look at the span of history these have become perennial questions and, despite our preoccupation these days with the truth of the scientific and all its technological implications, are destined to remain so.

But the obstacles to such preoccupation are many, none greater than the inadequacy of language which fails as a vehicle of spiritual communication. Has the term God any congruency in our latter day world of fact and verifiability? Has our everyday factual prose expressions anything meaningful to say about the spiritual part of our nature? Is poetry a better option?

The title of the book A Present Future expresses something of the paradoxical complexity of our endeavour. Danny Kinane, in his declining years, reflects back on a life given to spiritual ministry.