Although August may seem a long way away, now is the time to plan for your book to be displayed, 27 to 31st August.
China is a massively growing book market, the most rapid in the world.
Also the Chinese are interested in all things Western and are learning English at an astonishing rate. It has never been more important to get your book exposed to this growing market.
The kinds of books they are interested in are:
- Children’s books, especially series of books
- Any book on learning English
- Fiction books, but not political, erotica or poetry
- Self help books
- Health
- Alternative health
- Business books
- Motivational books
- Non-fiction: but no memoir, biography or war
If you are an author with any of the above then Beijing is right for you.
We have had contracts for over 20 books with Chinese publishers at the last couple of book fairs and expect great success again.