Book Marketing using Social Media for Emerging Author

Most authors have traditionally used offline strategies to create buzz for their new book. These methods typically entail striving to gain coverage in local press, sending out press releases and holding public sessions to talk about the book. These methods are certainly costly and may not reach as many people as an emerging author may intend to. Social media has changed this, and emerging authors can now access millions of potential readers and buyers. Through a well created website, an emerging author is able to connect to his [read more...]

The Unwanted Guest

The Unwanted Guest follows Adrian Walker, a man in his twenties, who has not long been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, as he tries to come to terms with such chronic diagnosis, all the while dealing with life’s usual problems and mistakes, as well as the expectations he has of friends, family and also himself. Katherine Eaddy was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2007, after many years of living with unexplained medical complaints that would appear and then unexpectedly lessen or disappear. It is estimated that 21,000 [read more...]

Kathmandu 1

Arum took a deep breath of the mountain air. In the east the sky was lightening and the snowy peaks had taken on a faint glow. It would be dawn in less than an hour. From across the valley came the eerie howl of a jackal. He remained still, allowing his heart rate to slow. His slight build masked a sinewy strength, yet his eyes were what people remembered, dark and intense. After a moment he pushed his cap to the back of his head and lit a cigarette. Unscrewing the silencer from his old Walther, he gazed down at the body of Comrade [read more...]

Results from the Frankfurt book fair 2011

This year’s Frankfurt book fair was an amazing success. Every book we displayed had a favorable response. Most authors have been asked to submit PDFs of their books either by a publisher or an agent. We even had one book snapped up by a publisher before the fair started and contracts signed before the book fair finished. Some books even had publishers and agents fighting over them, all wanting the rights to the book. This year’s Frankfurt book fair again proves that for the serious author who wants to have [read more...]

A Family Conversation About GOD

The book is written in a conversational style. A family sitting around the table discussing the existence and nature of God: evolution and the human soul: the basis of morality; the nature of theology and religious belief; the present life versus the putative afterlife and the role of the Catholic Church. It is a very clever book and engages the reader throughout the book captivating them with the point of views between the 3 protagonist. It is a wonderful read for all those interested in Theology.

Get in the Go Zone

The Go Zone maximises the productive hours we have in each day to get the important things done without distraction or excuse. The Slow Zone is productive but non stressful.  No big decisions are made here. In the No Zone, you are not at work AND not thinking about work.  Refresh, recover and live the life you love. Mark McKeon is a Director of Conference and Training Company, Mischief, Motivation, Attitude Pty Ltd (MMA).   MMA conducts workshops and training in wellbeing, time, leadership and sales and team [read more...]


SINGING THE COUNTRY is a grass roots view of the Tamworth Country Music Festival, the biggest festival of country music in Australia. Singing The Country features a foreword by bush ballad legend, Stan Coster, and includes chapters on every aspect of the festival, headed by remarkably apt excerpts of poetry and quotes. In the words of balladeer Coster, "This is a book that all country music lovers should have in their collection. I strongly recommend this exciting, interesting coverage of the Tamworth country music [read more...]


A many stranded story that moves through the seductions of the neon city to the claims made by the great Australian outback. It touches on survivor-guilt, obsessive love and attitudes toward possession. It shows the influence that landscape has on everything we do. Contact: to order the book.


CRY ME A RIVER is a strong collection of thirty stories dealing with the eternal issues of life, death, lies and love, all the frailties and passions that shape our lives. The character-driven stories offer generous accessibility much in the manner of the great Alice Munro. Contact: to order the book.         

How to Increase Energy Naturally

Do you drag yourself out of bed each day? Have you lost your mojo or oomph? Is fatigue ruining your life? Or is abundant energy a dream of the past? Could hormonal problems, viral infections, degenerative disease of a simple nutrient problem be to blame? A staggering twenty percent of people who visit health clinics complain about fatigue. “Burning the candle at both ends” is a natural cause of fatigue, but you are constantly tired you need to investigate “why”. Although normally due to nutrient deficiency, [read more...]