[Testimonial] Author – Peta Collett

Got good feedback on the youtube video you made from a colleague who studied counseling and mental health for years. She said it really resonated with her, the video had a really positive vibe. Give my regards to your designer. Peta. https://youtu.be/-jxU4ZXFvns

[Testimonial] Book – Kismet

Kismet fate – destiny the illusive puppeteer that manipulates the strings. It is 1997, and three years since apartheid was dismantled. A New South Africa has emerged, victorious. Opportunities abound and hope transcends, but for some the warped ideology of that era still lingers. Doctor Henry Keyler a TV panellist, is intent on promoting unity across the racial divides. Attractive and alluring, his co-panellist, attorney Lexie Lewin, has become a voice for abused women. For the most part, her marriage to the charismatic Steve [read more...]

How to Sell Your Si-fi or Fantasy Book

Author: David Watts Books: Killervolt and Boombox I had a new Goodreads 4 star review for Killervolt pop up last week. I attended a local collector event and sold just under a dozen books in 4 hours. I even had two returning readers spot me there and could not pay me fast enough to get their hands on the new Boombox. I'm also attending Supanova at the end of the month, which is a huge two day Sci-Fi gathering, this should be a big one for the books. The photos below are from the small 4-hour event:

[Testimonial] Dr Alena Rada, PhD

What can I say? It is absolutely wonderful and it is exactly what I have imagined – or rather – what I could not have even imagined. I think the picture and colour background will be attractive to the potential buyers. YOU ARE HIRED!!! There are three other books waiting for you so all I need are the funds which should be coming shortly. My book – or rather translation of Michael Halliday’s book Language as Social Semiotics should be published at the end of September in Brno (The University of Technology of Brno) Thank you very [read more...]

[Testimonial] Daryl Moran

The books Empire's Son has arrived, and I am delighted with the finished product! Thank you for making it possible for me to publish the story and for the advice about the price; in fact, I have made three sales already! Daryl.

Blogging and how it can catapult your book sales and you has an author

Blogging and how it can catapult your book sales and you has an author. Blogging is becoming huge and there are hundreds of blogs on the Net. Although to start your own blog you need many hours of time a week to be successful, and most of us don’t have that kind of time. All is not lost; there is an easier way than spending hours on your own blog: writing guest posts for other people’s blogs. This is a great way to help new readers find you and promote yourself as well as your book for free. Free is good, and as you are already [read more...]