Author Talks : I Married Crystal Meth

"I married crystal meth" talks about my struggles as a wife of a former drug and alcohol addict, the devastating effects of substance abuse are powerful and if untreated will prove fatal. I am certain this book will promote hope, inspiration and reassurance amongst both, addicts and their loved ones, it will guide you to the path of sobriety – there is freedom outside the addiction gates. Buy Online

The importance of a relevant congruent book cover

If the outside of your book is badly designed or ugly, why would anyone want to read what’s inside? A book cover is an invitation to a reader or a buyer; it is a way for persuading them to read your book. The cover beckons to them to enter the world of what your book is about and interact with your characters for awhile. Your cover should clearly convey to the reader the genre of your book. It should tell the reader in one glance what the book is about. It should not be misleading, like showing a cake on the cover but is really a [read more...]

Book Fairs Work

Wonderful success for Belinda T and her book Experiencing Grace. We took her book to Frankfurt book fair and one of our partner companies loved it so much they did this interview. Youtube :

Frankfurt Book Fair 2016

The Frankfurt book fair was a great success. The Australian Publishers Association did a fantastic job on organising the stand. We had meetings with a number of literary agents and publishers. Here are just some of main ones. Kalem Agency: Turkey September Publishing Trafalgar Publishing Sandra Bruna Agency, Spanish agent who deals with Spain, Spanish South America, Portugal, and Argentina. Beijing Hua Yun-shang De International Culture Exchange, Publishers who have 10 other publishers attached to them. [read more...]

New Released Book | John’s gospel and the formula behind the myth of Jesus

Have you ever wondered if Jesus was just a Myth? Well here is a book that explains everything, and which has been fully researched and years in the making. A great read for those interested in this subject. John’s Gospel and the Formula behind the Myth of Jesus is about a set of ideas that largely dictated the form and content of John’s Gospel, and profoundly influenced the three Synoptic Gospels. Far from the simple narrative it seems to be, John’s Gospel is a highly complex work geared to the depiction of Jesus as a type of [read more...]

A report from the Beijing book fair

Here is a report from the Beijing book fair from one of our authors, and our partner company ContentoNow, who we introduced the book to. ContentoNow took the book to China and the Chinese government wanted the book to be placed in 10,000 libraries. A retail company will be selling the book in China too. Another company is going to translate a chapter for trail to test the market. So thank you once again, William. Belinda.

Book Launch | Corridors a Verse Memoir

A great night was had by all at the book launch or Corridors a memoir in verse The book was launched by the British assistant High Commissioner Tony Brennan. Tony even commented that this book is also a historical account of the war years in London; seen through the eyes of a child, something that has not been done before. It is a wonderful record of those times and is a must read for all people interested in that time period. About the book In this memoir a woman now in her eighties looks back to a childhood and [read more...]

Book Launch | The Son will Rise

Danielle's (Danielle Hircock) book launch went wonderfully on last Saturday, with a good turnout and a lot of enthusiasm for my book. Here are some pictures of those who attended, including former Legacy (Sydney Branch) President, Legatee, Eric Easterbrook and his wife, Sally; Stewart and Joan Thompson of A Troop, Richmond/Windsor in full military uniform; members of Penrith RSL Club Sub-Branch, many family and friends.

Attention all Spiritual and Intuitive people

If you're interested in intuitive healing and The Secret energy of your body, the energy that regulates the condition of your health, quality of your relationships and your ability to attract wealth and abundance. Then please come along to the book launch by Canberrian author Dr Irina Webster, who is an intuitive healer, medical doctor and international best selling author. Irina will be launching her new book “The Secret energy of your body: An Intuitive Guide to Healing Health and Wellness.” in which she reveals 7 steps to [read more...]

Here are 3 points authors should know and why it is imperative to have an eBook

Big publishers do look on-line and at book fairs for books that are selling, especially books and authors that have a presence in the market place: and authors who have actually put in some effort. This article explains what is now happening in the book industry. Publicity and marketing Social media platforms have emerged as the digital equivalents of “word of mouth,” which is still one of the most effective ways of marketing books. The social web complements conventional publicity and marketing mechanisms, helping to coordinate [read more...]