Just Like That! How to Get Anything You Want:

In her book “Just Like That! How to Get Anything You Want”, author Janet Poole seeks to explain to readers the one key to having an extraordinary life and after acquiring this key, readers will not only be able to help themselves, but help others as well. Poole believes she has solved our existential mystery here on Earth, and explains that the inner workings of life come down to one single key fact: that we, as humans, create what we think. After reading this book Poole hopes readers will have a better understanding of [read more...]

My Revival From Cancer

In his endeavour of fighting metastatic prostate cancer after he was diagnosed with the condition, Munir Haidar has succeeded in identifying a package of options and measures which cancer patients should consider and use if they want to have an upper hand over the disease.  While most of these options have been around for so long now, the author, helped by his own experience, has been able to assert their importance and clarify their natures. When the author signifies positive attitude in the process of fighting cancer, he seems [read more...]


Two women, two wars : the migrant, Ruth, is a vibrant Israeli writer who grew up amid gunfire and grenades, while her new friend, Barbara, lives and paints quietly in her quiet Australian city with her husband, the musician Heath.  Ruth enters their orbit just as Barbie’s surging resentment erupts. She withdraws marital sex; waging her own war on a life she sees as subservient and controlled. Ruth is drawn in to fill the growing rift, but sociable lunches and cosy picnics falter and ugly secrets rip open the bonds of [read more...]


In Trundle,an imaginary Australian town, Mr Lal’s wife falls ill and dies. In his grief he dreams up an outlandish plan to build a monument, a replica of the Taj Mahal. His Taj will be a tribute to his culture and a memorial to his love and struggle as a migrant and outsider. His search for land takes him to the town’s outskirts, where Pelican is a defunct spiritual commune on the verge of disbanding.   Author: Margaret Sutherland http://www.margaretsutherland.com     


 Nominated for inclusion at the Berlin Film and Writers Festival 2012. 1913: The world is about to go to war and Maggie Butler’s husband has run off to America, leaving his devastated wife and children to make their own way in the provincial Irish Catholic city of Wellington, New Zealand.        Craving happiness and security, the Butlers will do what it takes and go where they must – into the convent, over the sea, headlong into impulsive marriages, the low life, [read more...]

One Egg Is a Fortune

One Egg Is a Fortune is more than a recipe book, going beyond the standard offering of a cookbook – it is a series of cultural vignettes with food as the central motif, which reveals that food is a great equaliser. What this book will do is make you want to read about each person - their story and their life and then rush into the kitchen and cook their food. The easy-to-follow recipes are presented in a light and contemporary style. Happy memories are just as important to pass on as those that recall suffering. The [read more...]

How it came about’

How It Came About is an original concept that will fascinate young children learning the three 'r's. In a place called Knowledge are little towns each inhabited by particular people. In the town of Alphabet live Letters. In another town live Numbers and among the Numbers lives Zero but 'nobody took any notice of the Number Zero because she didn't amount to anything.' Frankfurt Book fair. Author Bryan Evans http://bryanevanskidsbooks.com  Update on Book: I sent How it Came About’ to the Frankfurt Book Fair a couple of years ago. [read more...]

Phoenix- The Fifth Shadow.

Katie and Ally are both extremely psychic but their father forbids any talk of the paranormal and Ally prefers to pretend it doesn’t exist. To avoid conflict, Katie lives within the shadow of her true self, but when a ghost channels a message through her she can’t hide anymore. The chilling message tells her she is to return to a former life and confront her shadows. Katie is terrified. Phoenix, by Alison Ashley Warrambucca Books, 2011 ISBN 9780646555065

Bedtime Story

It is said that fear makes us do the most terrible things. But what if it is all those terrible things we do, that create the fear? The Circle has no end and there are the unfortunate ones that have to enter it, to give the form to our fear, to continue the legacy of The Faceless Man. yet, even worse fate awaits those who mark their existence with acts of unreasonable curelity, and if you are one of those who crossed the line where the logic ends, who breaks without reason, The Faceless Man would feel, The Faceless Man would find and [read more...]

Numerology Numbers

This book is the first in a series, to be released by Pamela Lillian Valemont (nee Smith), the culmination of over 30 years of painstaking and dedicated research. Pamela has made many TV appearances, and has been heard on talk back radio over four states of Australia, dating from 1984. In this book, she talks about the Numbers 1, 2 and 3, as they are expressed through the Holy Trinity, and how they manifest in your life. She has illustrated the book, with original pages of art, in full colour, using the medium of Clip [read more...]