Power of Plants : a Botanical Journey

Combining items of historical interest, cutting edge research and previously unpublished data this book explores the highways and byways of that most fascinating of disciplines, botany. It is a highly personal selection of topics but will hopefully give the reader some idea of the breadth and depth of the study of plants.


Joanne Dickie moved from New South Wales to Tasmania in December 2004. Completing a Bachelor of Arts (Communications) Journalism in 1988, Joanne spent over a decade in the media industry working as a journalist, public relations consultant and desktop publisher working for various government and private businesses before establishing her own writing and design business in Sydney. She then returned to tertiary studies and after completing a Graduate Diploma in Education with Distinction taught English, Media Studies and Film [read more...]

Once, a Splendid Coin : An Arcadian Story Behind the 1938 Shilling

The image of the Merino ram that was struck upon the 1938 shilling has intrigued me since I started jackarooing on a Merino stud at Hay in late 1974. It has taken me nearly forty years to satisfy that curiosity. Early in the new year of 1975, I was among a few jackaroos invited to lunch at Burrabogie, a large sheep station east of Hay, which nestled closely within a bend of the Murrumbidgee River before running south and away over the mostly treeless Old Man Plain. Burrabogie had been founded as an offshoot of the more famous [read more...]


All stories connect us with each other as they trigger off a myriad of memories. This Memoir attempts to encapsulate fifty-five years of lived experience shaped by numerous stories. In its essence, this Memoir is very different from other people’s lives. Its beginning takes root in a Commission area in Ashburton, where an alcoholic father with a bizarre sense of humour and mother prone to manic depression episodes yet fiercely committed to family watch over their children’s growth. Childhood revolved around both unpredictability [read more...]

Stop Procrastinating! The Book of Excuses

Do you get a thrill from leaving things to the last minute? Do you hate making a decision in case you get it wrong? Do you expect instant results and avoid things if you don’t get them? Yes? Then you could be a procrastinator. For you if you don’t want to do something. One excuse is as good as another. The reasons people give excuses are many and never ending But here is the thing we all do it! Some people do it all their lives and become quite skilled at doing it. You could put off a small task or constantly find [read more...]

The Little Book of Serendipity

This book is an intuitive book: messages from yourself, guide or angels however you wish to perceive it. For the author they are from her personal guide/angel and she continues to write with their guidance. The messages are about healing, inspiration and support... You can read this book from the first page till the last, but you can also use it to get your message for any moment you need inspiration by opening it up randomly at any page.

Rusty Love Hanging With Old Cars

Rusty Love - Hanging With Old Cars is a magnificent collection of photos, words and poetry capturing old car moments forgotten through time and reclaimed by nature. These beautiful old cars are lost to a world of technology. Where all things fast is preferred and having more over less is desired, it is easy to forget their stories, their voice and their grandeur. Sure there are few examples about, but in a world when everything needs to be done yesterday, they can easily be missed, left unnoticed or quickly scooped up for a quick [read more...]

A Path Once Trodden

“The steps taken towards healing is using what is known, and where you have been, to look at the path ahead with direction” “Beautifully written poems that help restore faith in oneself as well as in humanity” - Denisha Govender, Office Manager, Schofield King Lawyers “Amy’s emotions are intense, raw and uninhibited. Her verses give a poignant snapshot of her experiences that gather you up and take you into her journey, to a personal place, where her scars take refuge. A cathartic process for Amy that became mine, as I [read more...]

The Blue Thief

Six year old Midnight Blue has a mystery to solve. His Aussie “blue” family are all involved. Discover the baffling culprit responsible for the missing items in this story whilst being amused by the family’s exclamations along the way. Enjoy Book One in a series of “Rainbow Mysteries” featuring the colours of Australia for young children.

Yonka the water monster and Preston

DeYonka is a monster that lives in all the waters of the world. This includes, swimming pools, oceans, seas, baby baths, and bathrooms; he is everywhere? Yonka is very scared of adults, but loves to grab little children and drag them under the water when adults are not around. This book is designed for children and to teach parents the everyday dangers of leaving kids unattended around water. Here you must be prepared to test your courage, strength and wit against the myriad of evil foe that await you. You can cast spells, [read more...]