This the third book in a series about life, its realities and intricacies, set in the mid 19th century. Members of a family, torn apart by the Scottish Clearances, have found refuge in the colonies of Australia, which themselves are in confusion and upheaval by the sudden influx of thousands of gold miners seeking instant wealth. Caitlyn Ross and her brothers have found comfort and love in the colony, but the arrival of their father who has struggled for 10 years to find the remnants of his family results only in anger and estrangement. Caitlyn’s husband, Andrew, is forced to deal not only with his resentful father-in-law and his wife’s struggles but obligations he has inherited in Scotland. At the same time Andrew’s sister Emily and her husband Nick, are faced with their own family troubles in England. Drama, danger, intrigue and tragedy are endured before they can celebrate the shared joy of reunion back in their homeland.