Finding My Invisible Sun is a moving, intensely thought-provoking and courageous memoir that illuminates an individual’s capacity for, and path to, recovery and transformation from cumulative trauma.
The rich use of imagery and language invites the reader to witness, connect with, and share the author’s experiences of growing up, trauma, mental illness, love, discrimination and healing via literary devices that masterfully synthesise science and art, excruciatingly poignant realism and the special magic realism that the surreal world of dissociation offers the desperate fugitive.
Finding My Invisible Sun uses Lisa King’s experiences and observations to challenge the current dominant discourse pervading Australian academic institutions, mental health systems and public health policy. It provides compassion, wisdom, and hope for readers searching for guidance in approaching trauma recovery and transformation.
Finding My Invisible Sun differs from other trauma studies because its interdisciplinarian approach questions and flouts power structures, and demands a revolutionary, critical examination of the experience of mental illness: breathing human life into an abstract and nebulous statistic. Lisa King’s deep prizing of humanity and social justice is not lost in the text’s dense evidence-based research, making it an essential, accessible and practical book for readers wanting to understand their experience of trauma; for tertiary students and academics across health disciplines, and clinicians.
Where there is trauma, there is space for recovery.
Where there is hope, there is potential for recreation and transformation.
Finding My Invisible Sun: About the Author
Lisa King is an accredited mental health social worker and complex trauma specialist, a former teacher and counsellor, and a perceptive storyteller. Lisa has lived experience of trauma (childhood sexual abuse), mental illness and institutionalised discrimination. Lisa loves people, life, knowledge, reading, music and painting. These interests are apparent in the beautiful presentation of Finding My Invisible Sun which is illustrated with her own artwork.