[Interview] Matt Galanos

Self Publishing

I Wanted Them To Be Big And Scary

Dane Thorburn and Nature’s Revenge follows a courageous hero who needs to find out why Dragons are invading their land and why they are after the Princess. What was the inspiration for the setup to your story?

[Matt Galanos]: It was based on a question I asked myself as a result of the ending of the previous book. In Dane Thorburn and the City of Lost Souls, Dane manages to rescue the Princess from an ancient, long-lost wizard prison that no one has ever escaped from in the history of the land (readers will know all the details, so I won’t say any more about it). The question I asked myself was, what would happen if the actual Ruling Elements of Nature themselves (Air, Earth, Fire and Water) – the underlying source of every living thing in the land, did not realise the Princess was innocent and should never have been imprisoned in the City of Lost Souls, and sent their own creatures after her after she was rescued.

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