Starter Publishing Package

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  • Standard front and back cover, 3 choices
  • 100% copyright ownership
  • Typesetting
  • Book comes as a printed version only
  • ISBN and barcode included
  • Registration with the National Library of Australia. (NLA)
  • Registered with NLA Prepublication Data Service (PDS) (copyright proof)
  • Registered with NLA Trove system (pre publishing data)
  • Registered with Libraries Australia (Libraries and suppliers can find your book)
  • One on one author support. (We help you with design, pricing of the book, marketing, promotional information, and handling book sales. Advice on the publishing process if needed)
  • Published book, coloured cover/ B/white pages, and interiors up to 250 pages. (Extra pages: $0.25 per page after 250 pages). (Final book size: 229mm x 152mm) Colour books available at an extra cost, other book sizes available at extra cost.
  • 5 books supplied to author
  • One book supplied for the NLA legal deposit laws
  • We email you 6 draft copies of the book to check and make any changes needed. Then $25 a set of changes afterwards. * (Note: changes include cover changes)
  • Extra books supplied at near cost, starting at 10 copies and up
  • We promote and sell your book on our bookshop site, and you get paid 70% net royalty from every sale
  • Your book gets its own sales page on our bookshop platform. (See )
  • Book listed with Thorpe Bowker Global books in print for world sales.
  • Listed on Nielsen’s book database for world sales.
  • Listed on eBay
  • Listed on
  • Your own author sales page on
  • Listed with Google Play print book sales.

Note: This is to check the book for mistakes and make small changes, not to make large rewrites to the manuscript. For a rewrite, there is a $190 charge per major change, $400 for a major rewrite.


  • Print ready files available (extra $200). (You can’t print books without these; low resolution files do not print, if you choose to take your book elsewhere)
  • Selling on IngramSpark worldwide distribution (extra $220). Author never gets less than 80% net royalties, on all funds received.
  • Add two eBook versions (Amazon) ePub2 and PDF (extra $250).
    eBooks come with ISBN and NLA listing
  • Add Amazon KDP listing ($150). Author never gets less than 80% net royalties, on all funds received.

Note: The above prices do not include proofreading for spelling or grammar. It is the responsibility of the author to have this correct. Proofreading can be arranged for an extra cost.

Starter Publishing Package: Total cost $1795 (excluding extras)

Please note that the packages on our website are only a guide, as each authors book may be a different size and the page count may vary.

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