
Self Publishing

Retrospect’ is a fast paced dystopian fiction novel set in Brisbane fifteen years into our future. The complex plot delves into a number of key societal issues, namely the consequences of humans trying to play GOD through Science and Technology exploitation. The quest for eternal life and the power of ‘Big Brother’ are two central matters that combine to create a chaotic, high energy ride.

Brief Synopsis: The protagonist is a 15 year old young man called Noah. The story unwinds through his conversational narration. Noah is insightful, witty and at times quite humorous. His portrayal is told as a retrospective look into his attempts to survive the calamity of the ‘new’ world.

As the plot unwinds, we discover the antagonist (Setag) has systematically hijacked an entire population using his manipulation of the Technological age. Through his cruel Dictator style leadership, he obliterates anyone who stands in his way. Children also disappear in large numbers, leading those surviving on a mission to uncover the ‘truth’. This leads to a number of jaw shattering discoveries and sends the story to the University of Queensland Campus itself.

Aimed at the young adult audience, there are a number of clever additions to the text, including a cyber-language that the reader can decode for themselves. Also the character relationship web provides a number of twists and turns. It is never completely obvious who is good, who is bad and who is downright wicked. The fictitious plot also closely mirrors the predictions of what many perceive to be our future, giving the exciting tale a strong dose of reality.