Kurdaitcha Descent


David's life was in shambles. His service in the Vietnam War had left him with intense psychological trauma, which resulted in the once successful civil engineer being trapped in his own personal hell. That was until a series of mystical encounters with a mysterious Australian Aboriginal shaman led his life in a direction he did not expect. Does David really understand the Aboriginal culture; or is he getting deeper into something beyond his understanding? Will David's new role as the shaman's kurdaitcha, the tribe member who [read more...]

University Boulevard


Entering the university, Nima and his close friend, Farid, experience mixed gender education for the first time in their life. Nima falls in love with his classmate, Taban, an elegant girl who is not afraid to break the rigid religious rules and follow her passions. Struggling to express his true feelings to Taban, Nima befriends a group of reformist students and finds himself in the middle of convoluted political activities against the Islamic government which drastically changes his ideology and, subsequently, his entire [read more...]

We launched boats and a book!


The Moruya River dragon smiled upon us on Sunday 18 th September when Nature Coast Dragon Boat Club launched boats with fun and flair to help celebrate a novel written by paddler member Kaaren and to welcome her back in a boat after major surgery. Nature Coast paddlers were joined by colleagues from Sussex Inlet River Dragons and Narooma Blue Water Dragons for demonstration races to showcase the sport to the non-paddlers attending. Decked out in the colours of the Riverfall and Riverplain boat teams featured in Kaaren’s story, the [read more...]



In a world of unrestricted freedom, fun can be had... Just ensure you are well equipped... Don't become a Zombie... Become Death's Cheat... Detention on your first day of High School is one thing, but your teacher trying to eat you is a bit over the top... Set in Florida, America, Tyler Graham and his friends must band together and survive a zombie pandemic where lawlessness and violence becomes a new means of morality. Written by Jed Cullen, Zaven is a witty thriller that indulges psychological aspects of power and hardship and its [read more...]

Undercover Mage


Kaaren Sutcliffe delivers a richly layered fantasy tale with intrigue, romance and compelling characters. The trilogy weaves together a young spy mage on a covert mission, a rogue half-mage, an alluring bird caller with uncanny abilities. A fiercely competitive dragon boat teams and river dragons with a hidden past seeking amends from a Mages' Guild founded on deception. A grumpy river dragon withholds rain. Their crops wilting in unrelenting sunlight, the provinces plan a festival of dragon boat races to appease the dragon. [read more...]

Matt Galanos on the “Dane Thorburn” Series


Matt will be exhibiting at Oz Comic-Con Sydney, at Sydney Showground, on 24th-25th September! See you there! Matt Galanos has a busy day job as chief financial officer of the Australian Turf Club, which owns and runs a number of racing and entertainment facilities across Sydney. He turned to writing—a personal passion of his—during the Covid-19 lockdowns, penning several fantasy fiction novels about a young knight called Dane Thorburn. The third and most recent book in the ‘Dan Thorburn’ series is Dane Thornburn and Nature’s [read more...]

Burnt Sienna Sky


Burnt Sienna Sky explores the passage of time, and how it shapes one’s existence. It’s about acceptance and being comfortable in your own skin. But most of all Burnt Sienna Sky is about finding the courage of resilience and speaking up when you think something needs to change, even if you think no one will listen. The thing I love most about Jackie's work is her use of colour, and remember that light and shadow are just colour and the absence thereof. "After the camera flashes, / I want to be the one standing beside you in / [read more...]

Masterly Misled


In 1999, a Parliamentary (Senate) Inquiry in Australia had found that "a strong case can be made that the Kormoran's underwater torpedo played a major role in the defeat of the Sydney", whereas in 2009 the Commission of Inquiry had found that "the Sydney had been struck by a torpedo from the above-water tubes of the raider Kormoran while both vessels were sailing along at close quarters at a speed of some 14 knots". These diverse rulings mean one or both are not correct. In fact, the latest inquiry has been eroded by more [read more...]

[Author Testimonial] Peter Preuss


I have been away for a week and upon my return home, there were a couple of boxes on my porch... What a great service... The books have already arrived (you have no idea how hard my place can be to find, which is why I expected a note in my Australia Post Box... Your system works).